Land allocations

See the policies map and choose Policy 14 to see the location of the land allocations below

Central and South East Distinctive Area

East Distinctive Area

North Distinctive Area

South Distinctive Area

West Distinctive Area

What is this document?

[1.1.01.] This document has been made available for the deposit locations without access to the online Policies Map for the publication of the Local Plan. It outlines the content available on the Policies Map including the site boundary, use, and requirements.

[1.1.02.] Policy 14 supports the allocation for sites for housing, employment and mixed use developments across the Lake District. The purpose of our site allocations is to identify specific areas of land where we are confident in supporting development for particular purposes. For example, to ensure a supply of land to deliver housing. Allocating land increases certainty about where development can take place which benefits communities, landowners and developers. It significantly increases certainty over how planning decisions will be made on those sites.

[1.1.03.] Each of the sites and their requirements can be viewed on our website using the interactive policy map at These site requirements will need to be addressed prior to submitting a planning application.

The story so far

[1.2.01.] We undertook a call for sites exercise in June 2017 and received 285 site suggestions for housing, employment, mixed and tourism uses. Initially, we excluded 9 sites as they were unavailable for development. Following this, we applied filters to housing and tourism uses at Stage 1 assessment which excluded 156 sites. Housing sites were excluded at Stage 1 if the following criteria were met:

  • the site was not located in a Rural Service Centre or a Village;
  • the site was under 0.3 hectares in size;
  • the site was not well-related to a Rural Service Centre or a Village; or
  • the site was within Flood Zone 3.

[1.2.02.] Tourism sites were excluded at Stage 1 if the site met the following criteria:

  • the site is identified within suggested Policy 15: Showcase Areas;
  • the site was under 0.5 hectares in size;
  • the site is an existing tourism site or attraction;
  • the site is reliant upon a geographically fixed resource that justifies its development; or
  • the site is located within a key location or has approximately 100,000 visitor or more per year.

[1.2.03.] Sites were also excluded at Stage 1 if development on the site would adversely impact a statutory designation such as a:

  • Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI);
  • Special Protection Area (SPA);
  • Special Area of Conservation (SAC);
  • National Nature Reserve (NNR);
  • Local Nature Reserve (LNR);
  • Local Geological Site;
  • Ancient Semi Natural Woodland (ASNW);
  • Scheduled Ancient Monument;
  • Historic Park and Garden; or
  • Gas pipeline buffer zone.

[1.2.04.] Detailed site assessments were undertaken at Stage 2 which led to 64 sites being excluded. This assessment considered site specific issues for example access and transport, landscape, ecology and biodiversity, planning history, archaeology and heritage and flooding. Where site specific issues were identified, it was assessed if these issues could be mitigated through site specific site requirements or if the site required a full planning application to determine the impact of development. In the cases where an issue could not be mitigated, the site was excluded. This resulted in 56 sites taken forward for consultation between May and June 2018.

[1.2.05.] Following the consultation we analysed the responses we had received. We received a record level of response, approximately 1200 responses to the Allocations of Land. The Stage 3 site assessments considered comments from the consultation and additional evidence. This included additional landscape evidence for specific sites due to comments made at the consultation stage regarding the impact of development on the landscape. A summary of the landscape evidence is included in the relevant site assessments. The landscape evidence can be viewed in the ‘Local Plan Landscape Review of 16 sites’ document on our website.

[1.2.06.] We have also assessed the sites through an independent Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) completed by JBA Consulting. The Sustainability Appraisal and Habitat Regulations Assessment considers the likely effects of our policies and Allocations of Land. It helps us to avoid and reduce negative effects and to maximise the positive effects. This helps us to identify appropriate avoidance and mitigation strategies where these effects are identified. These assessments are available on our website.

[1.2.07.] Through Stage 3 Assessment we have removed a further 16 sites, as they are no longer available or further evidence has deemed them not appropriate for allocation. We have grouped the two sites comprising CSE01M: Land at Orrest Head Farm, Windermere to form one site. Overall, we have 38 Allocations of Land which includes the Bowness Bay and The Glebe strategic allocation which was taken through consultation as a key development site for the suggested Showcase Area policy. Following the removal of that policy the site has been reconsidered as an allocation.

[1.2.08.] A Sequential Test has been applied to relevant sites, all of which have passed the test. An Exceptions Test has been carried for one site which has passed. The full Sequential and Exception Test document can be viewed on our website.