NDA02M - Land adjacent to Woodclose, Keswick

Site area (hectares): 0.51

Use: Mixed – housing and / or employment

Site requirements:

  • A Heritage, Design and Access Statement and a World Heritage Site Checklist.
  • Design should preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the adjacent Keswick Conservation Area.
  • Access to be taken from the western boundary.
  • Site layout and design should protect the amenity of neighbouring properties.
  • Archaeological field evaluation due to the significant prehistoric activity in the vicinity.
  • Exceptional design due to its prominent location.
  • Extended Phase 1 Habitats Survey to establish potential ecological constraints to development. This survey will inform the requirement for further surveys such as a red squirrel survey which is likely to be required.
  • A footway and/or cycleway should be provided on the western boundary.
  • A Transport Assessment and Travel Plan may be required in accordance with the Cumbria Development Design Guide depending on the nature and scale of development proposed.
  • The precise scale and type of development will need to safeguard local and residential amenity.
  • Existing trees should be retained where possible. Planting scheme should include appropriate native species trees and hedgerows. Creating drystone walls has the potential over the long term to enhance ecological connectivity with surrounding habitat.
  • Surface water drainage scheme to address issues downstream in Hope Park and which demonstrates a suitable discharge location.