EDA02H - Land adjacent to Greenside Road, Glenridding

Site area (hectares): 0.3

Use: Housing

Site requirements:

  • A Heritage, Design and Access Statement and a World Heritage Site Checklist.
  • Retain or divert footway through the site.
  • Bat survey required.
  • Tree survey required.
  • The boundary stone wall is an important landscape feature and should be retained. The clusters of trees should also be retained to help screen and integrate the development within the village landscape.
  • Development should retain a sense of openness along the eastern boundary to integrate with the gardens of houses to the north and amenity land to the east.
  • The scale, design and materials used in buildings should be sympathetic to the vernacular character of nearby buildings.
  • Landscaping scheme required.
  • Surface water drainage strategy required including incorporation of SUDS.
  • The River Eden is a designated Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) so development, including construction, must avoid adverse impact on the designated watercourse.