SDA01H - Land off Finsthwaite Lane, Backbarrow

Site area (hectares): 0.78

Use: Housing

Site requirements:

  • A Heritage, Design and Access Statement and a World Heritage Site Checklist.
  • There are natural changes in levels, with the site falling away towards the river. Any development should be located on the higher parts of the site to reduce risk of flooding.
  • Acceptable access arrangements and adequate off-street parking provision
  • Phase 1 habitat survey required.
  • Surface water drainage strategy required which incorporates SUDS.
  • Houses should be designed to reflect the scale of adjacent properties.
  • Landscaping could include deciduous trees help to integrate the development within the wider wooded landscape.
  • Layout of accesses to retain stone wall along road frontage as far as possible.
  • Maintenance of a green corridor between any development and the riverbank, and seek to provide walking or cycling improvements utilising designated local green space HV06A.
  • Construction Management Plan which outlines measures for reducing adverse impacts of construction phase on nearby residential properties.
  • Consider opportunities to formalise public access along the footway.