CSE02H - Former Garden Centre, Windermere

Site area (hectares): 0.37
Use: Housing

Site requirements:

  • A Heritage, Design and Access Statement and a World Heritage Site Checklist would be required.
  • A tree survey is required because of the trees within the site and along the boundary.
  • A planting scheme to identify which trees should be retained and where new planting should be provided. The site layout will need to reflect the need to maintain the root protection area for existing trees.
  • Access to be taken from Birthwaite Road/Ground.
  • Carry out an extended Phase 1 Habitats Survey to confirm the presence of protected and non-protected species. This will inform the requirement or otherwise for further surveys such as bat, red squirrel and reptile surveys.
  • Sewerage capacity issues may need to be investigated at the time of an application.
  • The culvert will need to be factored into design, together with appropriate mitigation measures, if necessary.
  • Surface water drainage strategy is required which demonstrates that development incorporates SUDS.