X33 Lakeland Explorer bus

Community involvement in planning policy

Communities are vitally important in the planning process. They help develop planning policy, develop their own Neighbourhood Plans, and get involved in planning applications.

Community members may be involved as an individual, through a group, an organisation or as a member of an elected body like a Parish council.

How we involve communities in forming our planning policies

The Statement of Community Involvement sets out how we will involve the community and other Stakeholders in the preparation of local planning policy documents and the consideration of planning applications.

The Statement of Community Involvement was adopted by Park Strategy and Vision Committee on 26 October 2022.

A consultation Statement (PDF document) has also been produced which outlines the comments that were made during the public consultation on the draft document, and our response to these comments.

We have a new Statement of Community Involvement

Our new Statement of Community Involvement aims to have a more flexible approach to consultation and engagement. Our general approach will be to inform stakeholders of the plan/project, engage informally, and then undertake formal consultation. Should an event/situation arise where we cannot carry out traditional face to face methods of communication, we will rely more heavily on the use of online content and new technologies to ensure that effective engagement with the community is achieved.

What are the timetables for community consultation?

The Local Development Scheme is the Authority’s three-year project plan that identifies which local development documents will be produced, in what order, and when.

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Langdale mountains reflecting into blea tarn%

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