SDA01E - Field to north of existing Playdales building, Haverthwaite

Site area (hectares): 0.59

Use: Employment

Site requirements:

  • A Heritage, Design and Access Statement and a World Heritage Site Checklist.
  • Provide suitable access to the site which overcomes the issue of restricted visibility southwards, potentially utilising and improving the existing Playdale access.
  • Surface Water Drainage Strategy required which ensures any surface water is dealt with by appropriate use of sustainable drain systems and demonstrates that there will be no increase in flood risk elsewhere.
  • Retain or reconstruct the stone wall boundary with the B5278 in order to retain some of the rural character of the site.
  • Carry out an extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey to establish potential ecological constraints because of the proximity of an internationally designated site.
  • This will inform the requirement or otherwise for further surveys such as for reptiles as there is recorded interest in the wider area.
  • The scale and type of development will need to safeguard local and residential amenity.
  • Pre-application engagement with United Utilities to discuss proximity of existing United Utilities Wastewater Treatment Works in relation to the proposed development.