Planning for Nature Recovery

Nutrient Neutrality

When too many nutrients like phosphates get into freshwater rivers and lakes, it changes the whole ecosystem and reduces water quality and biodiversity. Four river catchments in the Lake District now need nutrient neutrality for new developments that will add nutrients into the water system. These developments can only be approved if they can show they will take out as many nutrients as they are adding in.

Nutrient Neutrality & planning

Biodiversity - LDNPA

Biodiversity Net Gain

All planning applications since January 2022, apart from householder applications, need to show an increase of biodiversity. If a hedge is removed, another hedge plus 10% extra must be planted in its place. Our project will match developers with landowners, so they can fund creation of new areas of biodiversity.

Biodiversity Net Gain & planning

Mitigation Sites - photo of water body

Mitigation sites

We are consistently in search of potential sites to be included in our local authority-led mitigation schemes. These sites may be assessed for Biodiversity Net Gain and Nutrient Neutrality.

This initiative provides landowners with an opportunity to generate supplementary income from their properties while actively contributing to nature recovery projects.

Mitigation sites