CSE06M - MacDonalds Hotel Car Park, Bowness

Site area (hectares): 0.17

Use: Mixed – tourism, retail and /or housing

Site requirements:

  • A Heritage, Design and Access Statement and a World Heritage Site Checklist.
  • Desk top study to understand potential of contamination
  • Careful consideration of the layout, design and scale of development to address potential amenity issues.
  • Identification of suitable vehicle and pedestrian access arrangements for the proposed scheme.
  • Parking strategy to demonstrate adequate parking is provided, and development does not result in increases in on-street parking.
  • Design, scale and layout that respects the adjacent listed building (Hole in T’Wall Public House) and its setting, and enhances the conservation area.
  • Surface water drainage strategy is required which demonstrates that development incorporates SUDS.
  • Transport Statement and Parking Strategy which demonstrates development will not result in adverse impacts on the capacity of the highway network.