SDA03E - Land to the north of the Barkers Timber Yard, Backbarrow

Site area (hectares): 1.69

Use: Employment

Site requirements:

  • A Heritage, Design and Access Statement and a World Heritage Site Checklist.
  • Provide new access to the site in accordance with the Highways Agency’s guidelines, and undertake pre-application discussion.
  • Improvements to pedestrian links southwards from the site to Backbarrow are required. Consider provision of footpath to riverbank to allow public access.
  • Flood risk assessment required and its recommendations will need to be incorporated into the scheme to mitigate the effects of flooding.
  • Retain the existing trees along the boundary of the site for their amenity value. The site layout will need to reflect the need to maintain the root protection area of existing trees.
  • Carry out an extended Phase 1 Habitats Survey because of the proximity of the River Leven. This will inform the requirement or otherwise for further surveys such as bat and otter surveys.
  • Improvements to pedestrian links southwards from the site to Backbarrow.
  • A Transport Assessment and Travel Plan may be required depending on the nature and scale of development proposed. Highways England should be consulted at the scoping stage.
  • Plant native tree and hedgerow species, as appropriate, to enhance ecological connectivity with surrounding habitats.
  • Protection and enhancement of watercourse and bankside habitat for the benefit of wildlife.
  • Surface water drainage strategy is required which demonstrates that development incorporates SUDS.
  • Clean water pipeline is not currently available in this location so new infrastructure will be necessary. It is likely a developer would be required to make a contribution proportionate to the additional demand on the network as a result of development.
  • Dialogue and liaison with the Highways Agency is considered essential in the development of the site.
  • Ensure site infrastructure delivers broadband of at least 30Mbs. This includes providing fibre broadband within the site to ensure connection to ‘Fibre to the Premises’ (‘full fibre’) when it becomes available.