New bridge at Staveley copyright LDNPA

Grants awarded

The Lake District Communities Fund ran from 2012-2020 and supported many projects, totalling more than £250,000.

North Distinctive Area

Projects include:

  • Threlkeld Young People's afternoon activity programme for young children in the area
  • Supporting Herdwick Sheep Breeders Association Limited to buy a range of marquees to promote Herdwick sheep at the seven western Lake District shows
  • Tools and equipment for parish projects for Voluntary Action Thelkeld
  • Binsey Buzzards Wildlife Watch Group for children aged 7 to 11.

Take a look at Grants so far: North Distinctive Area for the full list.

East Distinctive Area

Projects include:

  • Bampton Recreation Field Enhancement Project
  • Enabling Penruddock Children's Sports Committee to make and buy traditional games equipment
  • Funding a weekend expedition for 24 local young people with the Outward Bound Trust.

Take a look at Grants so far: East Distinctive Area for the full list.

West Distinctive Area

Projects include:

  • Community Development Strategy to encourage participation in the Ennerdale Centre development
  • West Lakes Squirrel Initiative, safeguarding the endangered populations of red squirrels in West Cumbria
  • Rejuvenation of the Santon Bridge Village Hall.

Take a look at Grants so far: West Distinctive Area for the full list.

South Distinctive Area

Projects include:

  • Hall insulation and improvements to the Woodland Parish Room
  • Film to promote the area associated with Ruslands Horizons Heritage Lottery Fund bid
  • Hawkshead Squares Project, to restore the original charm of Hawkshead
  • Giving 8-10 young people from the Barrow area the opportunity to work with a professional coppice, to produce charcoal, forge new tools and use these for coppicing.

Take a look at Grants so far: South Distinctive Area for the full list.

Central and South East Distinctive Area

Projects include:

  • Refurbishment of Witherslack Parish Hall kitchen
  • Replacing lighting in four public toilets with energy efficient LED lights
  • Replacing Christmas light bulbs in Ambleside with energy efficient LED bulbs
  • Developing a website to improve access to information and services for Skelwith Parish Council.

Take a look at Grants so far: Central and South East Distinctive Area for the full list.