Linda Jones-Bulman


29 Arlecdon Park Road
CA26 3XG

Telephone number:  07840844393

E-mail address:

Appointed by: Cumberland Council


First appointed to the Authority: 13 April 2023

Current Committee membership: Park Strategy and Vision Committee, Development Control Committee

Register of Member's Interests as of 1 May 2023 (pdf)

Find out a little bit about Linda:

What was your first car?

Ford Escort ..... 'Money Pit'!

What was your first music record?

Rolling Stone's Paint it Black.

What’s your favourite Lake District view?

Surprise View.

What’s your favourite walk in the Lakes?

Round Derwentwater.

What’s your favourite season in the lakes?


If you were an animal what would you be?

Dog lol!

Any other interests/ committees?

Cumberland Planning, O&S People/Place, last Chair of Copeland Borough Council, sing and play the ukulele ....