Sabine Mosner

Sabine Mosner


Murley Moss

Telephone Number: c/o  01539 792637

E-Mail Address:

Appointed by: Secretary of State (National)

Until: 30 June 2027

First Appointed to the Authority: 17 July 2019

Current Committee Membership: Resources Committee, Rights of Way CommitteePark Strategy and Vision Committee

Position held: Chair of the Rights of Way Committee

Register of Member's Interests as of 13 August 2019 (pdf)

Find out a little bit about Sabine:

What was your first car?

I can’t drive, I’m a cyclist but I’m in the process of passing my driving test and we have bought a Tiguan, especially for the Lake District. But I would really like to not have a car in the Lake District and use public transport.

What was your first music record?

Probably Leonard Cohens greatest hits *laughs*. So old!

What’s your favourite Lake District view?

High Street by Thornthwaite Crag.

What’s your favourite walk in the Lakes?

Hmm. Possibly the Ambleside Horseshoe.

What’s your favourite season in the lakes?

Spring. The cloud and the light, with the big skies.

If you were an animal what would you be?

I would be a lemur, a large gangly lemur.

Any other interests/ committees?

I’m on the policy committee of CPRE, the countryside charity. I support them with climate change.

What’s your favourite sport?

Climbing. To watch that is.