Children paddling at sunset

Windermere byelaws exemption process

Under the new 2008 byelaws there are a number of activities which the Authority is able to grant exemptions or permissions for:

  • Short-term event registration
  • Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Level 2, Safety Boat and Instructor power boat training exemption from the speed limit
  • Byelaw 12.5: Exemptions from the speed limits
  • Byelaw 15: Parascending
  • Byelaw 17: Aeroplanes or hovercraft

Short-term event registration exemption

This exemption allows events to take place on the lake without each participant having to be individually registered with the Authority.

To qualify for a short term event registration you must meet the criteria outlined in the guidance, which includes the definition of an event, what the organiser has to do and the event application form.

Who to contact

Contact Steve Gaskell

Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Level 2, Safety Boat and Instructor power boat training exemption from the speed limit

These training courses require participants to undertake high level manoeuvres requiring them to exceed the speed limit for short periods of time.

Permission has previously been granted for RYA level 2 power boat training courses to take place for personnel based on Windermere who will be securing the safety of people on the lake under the byelaw enabling safety and rescue operations to take place.

Under the new byelaws this will now be granted under Byelaw 12.5. Any organisation wishing to run a course for its staff based on Windermere must contact the Lead Lake Ranger, to arrange for this to take place at least seven days before the course. The following information will be required:

  • the number of boats taking part and their registration numbers
  • the operating area the course will take place on the lake outside the 6mph speed limit area
  • the time of day the high level manoeuvre section will take place
  • when you are planning to do it, avoiding weekends during holiday periods and bank holidays

Who to contact

Lake Ranger team

Byelaw 12.5: Exemptions from the speed limit

Under Byelaw 12 of the Windermere Navigation Byelaws 2008 individuals or organisations can apply to the Lake District National Park Authority for exemptions from the speed limits within byelaw 12 and these will be determined by the Authority.

Byelaw 12.5 states that when considering an exemption application the Authority may impose conditions subject to which any such permission is granted. Byelaw 12.7 states the Authority shall act in accordance with such policies as are adopted from time to time.
Under the Lake District National Park Authority Scheme of Delegation permission may be granted by the Director of Park Services.

Step one: Pre-application informal discussion

When considering applying for an exemption we recommend all potential applicants talk to the Park Management Leader C&SE Area about their proposal (see details below). Possible concerns or issues which may arise can then be discussed and hopefully addressed before a formal application is made.

Step two: Formal application

Following informal discussions, applicants need to complete an application form with:

  1. activity or event details – proposed date(s), timings, person responsible for the event or activity
  2. event alignment with the Vision for the Lake District National Park and other relevant current Lake District National Park policies and plans such as the Lake District National Park Partnership Plan
  3. health, safety and well-being – consideration for the safety of participants and the general public, including public liability insurance
  4. environmental protection – management of natural environment impacts and pollution risks
  5. local economy – identifying issues and opportunities
  6. local communities – identifying issues and opportunities
  7. other lake users – protecting their rights

We will require clearly identified actions to mitigate any potential issues arising from the event or activity. Compliance with these actions will be the responsibility of the organiser.

Step three: evaluation stage one

This first stage will look at safety, environmental protection, relationships with other lake users and activities and wider benefits the application will bring. The cumulative impact of allowing a number of exemptions in any one calendar year or any day will be considered. Any exemption applicant will be advised of other applications and planned events to assist with planning.

Exemption applications should avoid planning their event or activity at busy times on the lake, such as weekends, bank holidays and school holidays.

If the above are met, step four will take place.

Step four: evaluation stage two

This will involve consultation with relevant stakeholders, to seek their views, advice and guidance. The stakeholders are listed at the end of this page.

Step five: Decision

The Director of Sustainable Development will receive a report outlining the activity or event and the outcome of consultation. The acceptability of the application will be assessed and a decision made to grant or refuse permission. Any permission may be subject to specific conditions.

Step six: Appeal

An application that receives the decision to refuse or granted for approval with conditions can submit an appeal against the decision. This will be heard by the Chief Executive and needs to be made in writing within 14 days of the applicant receiving the decision.

How to apply

Complete the Windermere Byelaws Exemption Application Form

Who to contact

‪Steve Gaskell, Ranger Team Leader, C&SE Area
Phone: 01539 792604

How long will my application take to be assessed?

Ideally we would like people to apply for speed limit exemptions between 30 September and 1 April. We would like people to apply a year in advance to allow us to plan and manage the cumulative impact of the total number of events and activities over time.

We aim to process formal applications within three months. This allows us to discuss your proposal with you, assess your application and consult with key stakeholders. Please allow sufficient time for us to process your application.

What are the fees involved with an exemption application?  

  1. pre-application advice – guidance provided about a potential exemption (free)
  2. exemption application - formal validation and initial assessment against policy (£152)
  3. exemption application – formal consultation, assessment and determination (£528)
  4. exemption event monitoring and safety briefing(s) by relevant Authority staff; possible condition of an exemption approval (£345 per half day for staff & boat)

Note: In the case of a rejected formal application; the applicant would have the option to: A. withdraw the application. B. resubmit the application with appropriate amendments. C. proceed to consultation without the support of the Authority.

Option A. would incur the fees relating to work undertaken to this stage (£152) and would include a refund of the fees (currently £528) associated with the following stages. Option B. would not incur extra fees/charges. And option C. would proceed within the original fee charged.

Prices quoted include VAT and are subject to annual review.

Byelaw 15: Parascending exemption

Under Byelaw 15 the Authority can give permission for a vessel to be used for the purpose of parascending on the lake.

Under the Lake District National Park Authority Scheme of Delegation permission may be granted by the Director of Park Services. The Authority will require a minimum of two months notice before the proposed date of the event.

No permissions will be granted for bank holiday weekends, unless it is part of a venture which forms part of a public display sanctioned by South Lakeland District Council.

During June, July, August and September no more than one consent per month for parascending will be sanctioned.

Applicants need to show they have given notice to the Air Traffic Control Centre and they must comply with the Air Navigation Order 2000.

Who to contact

Director of Sustainable Development
Lake District National Park Authority
Murley Moss
Oxenholme Road


Byelaw 17: Aeroplanes or hovercraft exemptions

Under Byelaw 17 the authority can give permission for the navigation on the surface of the lake of an aeroplane or hovercraft. If an aeroplane or hovercraft will also exceed the speed limit permission under byelaw 12.5 will also need to be granted.

Under the Lake District National Park Authority Scheme of Delegation permission may be granted by the Director of Park Services. The Authority will require a minimum of two months notice before the proposed date of the event.

No permissions will be granted for bank holiday weekends, unless it is part of a venture which forms part of a public display sanctioned by South Lakeland District Council. Permission will not normally be sanctioned during June, July, August and September.

Aeroplane applicants need to show they have given notice to the Air Traffic Control Centre and they must comply with the Air Navigation Order 2000.

Who to contact

Director of Sustainable Development
Lake District National Park Authority
Murley Moss
Oxenholme Road


List of consultees including lead partners in the Windermere Management Strategy

  • Cartmel Fell Parish Council
  • Claife Parish Council
  • Colton Parish Council
  • Cumbria County Council
  • Cumbria Tourism
  • Cumbria Wildlife Trust
  • Environment Agency
  • Friends of the Lake District
  • Lake District Local Access Forum
  • Lakes Parish Council
  • National Trust
  • Natural England
  • Police
  • Satterthwaite Parish Council
  • Staveley in Cartmel Parish Council
  • South Cumbria Rivers Trust
  • South Lakeland District Council
  • United Utilities
  • Windermere Lake Cruises
  • Windermere Town Council