Illustration showing that the Lake District is for everyone

Partnership’s Management Plan 2020-2025

This is a joint Management Plan for the Lake District - reflecting its position as a National Park and a World Heritage Site. It has been prepared by the 22 organisations in the Lake District National Park Partnership and adopted by the Lake District National Park Authority.

Our Plan was adopted on 20 October 2021, from the list below you can find out about the Plan and what we will deliver.

Our key outcomes

Illustration for communities and economy

Vibrant communities and prosperous economy following COVID-19

Illustration for climate action and recovery

Climate action – achieving net zero and adapting to climate change

Illustration for farming and forestry nature recovery

Future of farming and forestry, nature recovery and climate change

Illustration for landscapes for everyone

A Lake District for everyone

Illustration for smarter sustainable travel

Sustainable travel and transport

A digital copy of the Plan adopted on 20 October 2021 (amended July 2024) can be downloaded as a pdf.

The Partnership's last Plan 2015 - 2020

An archive of the Lake District National Park Partnership's 2015-2020 Plan to manage the Lake District can be found as Volume 4 of the World Heritage Site nomination.