Key indicators to measure the success of the Plan

There are a number of key indicators to measure the success of this Plan and the Outcomes we seek to deliver. A Monitoring Plan is currently being developed to monitor a wider range of indicators and the condition of the Lake District.

Measure of success: No net increase in homes used as a second home in those areas where 25 per cent of the housing stock is not used as permanent residential.

Indicators: Percentage of second homes by Parish.

Local demand for ‘affordable housing’

Outcome measured: Vibrant communities and prosperous economy following COVID-19

Measure of success: Delivery of affordable housing in all Districts in the National Park for social rent

Indicators: Number of homes built

Outcome measured: Vibrant communities and prosperous economy following COVID-19

Measure of success: Access to broadband as close to 100 per cent as possible.

Indicators: Percentage of properties covered by Broadband in the Lake District

Outcome measured: Vibrant communities and prosperous economy following COVID-19

Measure of success: 95% of the LDNPP organisations signed up to addressing and delivering Climate Action.

Indicators: Percentage of partners delivering climate action

Outcome measured: Climate Action

Measure of success: Partners contribute a 10% annual carbon saving from their activities.

Indicators: Percentage increase of carbon savings.

Outcome measured: Climate Action

Measure of success: A 70% increase in renewable energy production by 2025 within the Lake District

Indicators: Percentage of renewable energy produced

Outcome measured: Climate Action

Measure of success: Ten community champions coordinate delivery of local projects

Indicators: Number of community champions

Outcome measured: Climate Action

Measure of success: Five of the sector groups that operate in Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership produce a pipeline of investment-ready projects for the Lake District

Indicators: Number of sector groups who produce a pipeline of investment-ready carbon reduction projects

Outcome measured: Climate Action

Measure of success: 90% of Lake District National Park land in Environmental Land Management by 2028 delivering individual business’ and local area’s priorities (55% in 2020)

Indicators: Percentage of land within Environmental Land Management

Outcome measured: Future of farming and forestry, nature recovery and climate change

Measure of success: Nature recovery targets - to be developed through the Cumbria Local Nature Recovery Strategy pilot and linked to LDNP contribution to National Parks England wildlife and nature recovery delivery plan

Indicators: Condition of SSSI’s and others to be confirmed.

Outcome measured: Future of farming and forestry, nature recovery and climate change

Measure of success: 81% of SSSIs in recovering condition by 2025, 100% of SSSIs in recovering condition by 2030, and 90% of SSSIs in favourable condition by 2040 (21.6% in 2018)

Indicators: Condition of SSSI’s.

Outcome measured: Future of farming and forestry, nature recovery and climate change

Measure of success: Core areas specifically focused on nature recovery will cover at least 10% of the National Park by 2025

Indicators: Area of Lake District in core nature recovery areas

Outcome measured: Future of farming and forestry, nature recovery and climate change and Vibrant communities and prosperous economy following COVID-19

Measure of success: We will agree our targets and actions to meet the Government’s 30% by 2030 commitment, as part of our Nature Recovery Delivery Prospectus, by the end of 2022

Indicators: Condition of SSSI’s and others to be confirmed.

Outcome measured: Future of farming and forestry, nature recovery and climate change

Measure of success: 75% of water bodies at or above Water Framework Directive Good Ecological Status by 2027 (37% in 2019)

Indicators: Condition of waterbodies (lakes, rivers, tarns)

Outcome measured: Future of farming and forestry, nature recovery and climate change

Measure of success: At least 17% woodland cover by 2050 (13% in 2018)

Indicators: Annual ha of woodland creation in Lake District.

Total percentage of woodland cover in Lake District

Outcome measured: Future of farming and forestry, nature recovery and climate change

Measure of success: Farm business are net zero/net negative carbon by 2040

Indicators: Carbon quantification of farms towards achieving Net Zero

Outcome measured: Future of farming and forestry, nature recovery and climate change and Climate action

Measure of success: Continuation of fell-going flocks appraised through an index. Publish an updated Shepherds Guide for the Lake District by 2023.

Indicators: Index of the ratio of fell going flocks of traditional sheep breeds on common land to fell going flocks on freehold land

Outcome measured: Future of farming and forestry, nature recovery and climate change

Measure of success: Increasing number of commons in successful agri-environment schemes to lead to Environmental Land Management Schemes; No reduction of Common Land in traditional land management practices; No reduction in the total area of common land

Indicators: Area of common land.

Number of commons in agri-environment schemes

Outcome measured: Future of farming and forestry, nature recovery and climate change

Measure of success: Establishment of an Engagement and Outreach Team which delivers actions to improve engagement within two specific geographical areas where communities are underserved with their connection to National Parks and the outdoors

Indicators: When was the Engagement and Outreach Team established.

Number of people engaged by Engagement and Outreach Team action delivery

Outcome measured: Lake District for everyone

Measure of success: At least 25% of businesses in the tourism sector complete the ‘Warm Welcome’ training scheme by 2025

Indicators: Percentage of businesses completing ‘Warm Welcome’ training scheme

Outcome measured: Lake District for everyone

Measure of success: At least 25% of people undertaking new volunteering packages are from a combination of low socio-economic groups, Visibly Minority Ethnic, and young people

Indicators: Percentage of people undertaking specifically identified volunteering packages from low socio-economic groups, Visibly Minority Ethnic, and young people

Outcome measured: Lake District for everyone

Measure of success: Increasing number of people who feel health and wellbeing benefits

Indicators: Percentage of people who feel health and wellbeing benefits.

Number of users on monitored active travel routes (miles without stiles)

Outcome measured: Lake District for everyone

Measure of success: Reduction in visitors stating car as their main mode to travel around by 15% on 2018 baseline

Indicators: Numbers of passengers using stations within or adjacent to the National Park (ORR annual stats).

Number of passengers using gateway stations (Penrith, Oxenholme, Ulverston, Grange, Carlisle).

Percentage of visitors using sustainable modes to reach the Lake District (Cumbria Visitor Survey)

Outcome measured: Sustainable travel and transport

Measure of success: Reduction in carbon from visitor travel of at least 10% on 2018 baseline

Indicators: Numbers of passengers using stations within or adjacent to the National Park (ORR annual stats).

Number of passengers using gateway stations (Penrith, Oxenholme, Ulverston, Grange, Carlisle).

Percentage of visitors using sustainable modes to reach the Lake District (Cumbria Visitor Survey).

Number of visitors using Electric Vehicles

Outcome measured: Sustainable travel and transport and Climate Action

Measure of success: Increase in number of people arriving in the Lake by bus and rail by 15% on 2019 baseline

Indicators: Numbers of passengers using stations within or adjacent to the National Park (ORR annual stats).

Number of passengers using gateway stations (Penrith, Oxenholme, Ulverston, Grange, Carlisle).

Percentage of visitors using sustainable modes to reach the Lake District (Cumbria Visitor Survey)

Outcome measured: Sustainable travel and transport

Measure of success: 25% increase in use of monitored active travel routes on 2019 baseline

Indicators: Number of people counted on multi user trails and surveys on routes

Outcome measured: Sustainable travel and transport and Lake District for everyone