Sustainability is at the core of all we do as National Park Authority. Our vision, agreed by all our partners, states that "The Lake District National Park will be an inspirational example of sustainable development in action."
We want a tourism industry that is successful and profitable and protects the local environment and culture.
We want to:
- sustain the landscape, wildlife and cultural heritage which have always attracted visitors.
- improve the visitor experience by providing better services such information, public transport and improved public toilets
- improve access to the countryside and water
- provide more opportunities for adventurous activities and things to do when it is raining
- offer local food and crafts distinctive to the area
- ensure that good quality accommodation is available at a wide range of prices

Using STEM to protect our National Park
Teaching resource pack with 5 student activities which include;
- Curriculum links
- Ideas for extension activities
- Suggestions on how to highlight the real world and STEM careers
This resource can be used as individual homework, or in small classroom groups to encourage discussion.
See details and download the teaching resource PDF