Catbells above Derwentwater through trees and mist copyright Helen Reynolds


The Authority meets approximately four times in each year.  Occasionally,  there may be a need for the Authority to meet to consider matters which require special or urgent consideration.

The principal functions exercised by Authority include -

Adopting the Core Documents: ie the Standing Orders, the Contract Standing Orders, the Financial Regulations and Scheme of Delegation and the following documents:

  • The Vision
  • The Business Plan
  • The Lake District National Park Partnership Plan (the National Park Management Plan)
  • Revenue and Capital Budgets
  • Medium Term Financial Strategy
  • The Code of Corporate Governance
  • The Lake District National Park Local Plan
  • any Members’ Allowances Scheme
  • the Member Code of Conduct and associated guidance.

together with

  • appointing the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Authority;
  • agreeing and/or amending the terms of reference for committees and deciding on their composition and membership;
  • appointing representatives to outside bodies;
  • co-opting members of committees of the Authority;
  • confirming the appointment and dismissal of the Chief Executive (National Park Officer);
  • making, amending, revoking, re-enacting or adopting byelaws and promoting or opposing the making of local legislation or private Bills; and
  • all other matters which, by law, must be reserved to the Authority.

Authority Meeting dates:

Hints and tips

The agenda and papers for the meetings are available to the public five working days prior to the meeting. They can be downloaded from the relevant meeting page or viewed at the Authority's offices in Kendal. The only exceptions are those agenda items which would infringe copyright or would not be dealt with in public for reasons of confidentiality.

Audio Recordings of Committee Meetings

These recordings will be livestreamed on YouTube apart from those agenda items which would infringe copyright or would not be dealt with in public for reasons of confidentiality.

Have your say in person

For details about how to attend and speak at Committee meetings, please read Public Attendance and Speaking at Committee Meetings (PDF).

Please read these additional guidelines if you wish to speak about a planning application at Development Control Committee.

Scheme of Delegation

Want to know how matters are dealt with and what goes to committee? Read our Scheme of Delegation (PDF).

Archive papers

The following years are available online: