Invigorating - I feel lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the country, there is so much to do and see!

FAQs about volunteering

What kinds of things do volunteers do?

We have a huge range of things for our volunteers to get involved in. We're interested to hear about your skills, experience and passions, to match you with the right roles and to help us expand the range of things volunteers do.

At the moment our volunteers get stuck into activities like gardening, dry stone walling, woodland conservation and surveying rights of way. They chat and give advice to people at our visitor centres and events and lead guided walks all over the National Park. They take photos, help with admin tasks in our offices, and help discover and care for archaeological sites.

Are there any age limits on volunteers?

Our Young Rangers programme needs volunteers aged 14 - 18.

Our other varied volunteering opportunities are suitable for anyone over 18. We have indoor desk-based projects, right through to climbing the highest fell summits. There's no age limit, we're looking for the right level of enthusiasm, fitness and friendliness to match to your chosen activity.

How often do I have to volunteer?

The number of days we ask our volunteers varies on the tasks you’d like to undertake, this could be a weekly, monthly or occasional commitment depending on what you’d like to do as a volunteer.

After that it's up to you! You can book yourself onto as many work parties, guided walks, visitor events and other activities as you like.

If you have any other questions please contact the Volunteer Coordination Team on