
How we make decisions

This class consists of information about the way in which the Authority conducts its work.

Web and document links

Background information on how we make decisions

Authority staff and Members meet regularly to discuss issues. For more details, including published agendas, past minutes and associated papers see our committee pages.

Conservation areas

Local planning authorities such as the Lake District National Park Authority can designate new conservation areas and review existing conservation areas and boundaries. Legally we must formulate and publish proposals for the preservation and enhancement of the Conservation Areas. Also we must consider whether further historic areas need conservation area designation. We are encouraged to use controls such as Article 4 Directions (implications of living in a conservation area) to prevent the loss of historic features.

General planning decisions

We are the Local Planning Authority and Mineral Planning Authority for the Lake District National Park. You can use the web pages showing recent planning applications, decisions and appeals to check the progress of a recent planning application or view an existing planning application lodged with us.


The Lake District National Park Authority is fully committed to consulting with the public on as wide a basis as possible. There are some consultation groups already in place with public representatives, for example the Windermere Lake User Forum and the Local Access Forum. Additionally the Authority will encourage public consultation on ad-hoc initiatives or development of new strategies. These will be publicised on the website, and in local media as appropriat.