A leading Lake District farmer and local business today unveiled a new English World Heritage Site brand and free business toolkit at Westmorland County Show (13 September).
Speaking to some of the county show’s 30,000 visitors, they encouraged fellow farmers, businesses and local communities to get on board and use the brand to fully harness the opportunities of being part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The brand was created by a collective of marketing experts from local attractions, hotels and conservation bodies on behalf of the Lake District National Park Partnership; who today showcased how the brand could be used. The classic heritage style logo has been designed to be used alongside a range of active words, such as Made in, Caring for, Work, Love, Visit, Enjoy to ensure every sector in the region can easily get involved.
Stephen Henwood, Chair of the Lake District National Park Partnership said: “Since UNESCO designated the World Heritage Site just over a year ago, the Partnership has been working hard to ensure that businesses of all sizes, from all sectors and backgrounds and from all areas of our National Park can market themselves as being part of the World Heritage Site.”
One of the first local companies to use the brand is Hawkshead Relish who have just launched a limited edition World Heritage relish.
Maria Whitehead, co-owner of Hawkshead Relish, said: “I welcome this unique brand identity to help businesses maximise all of the opportunities that UNESCO World Heritage status presents for the area.
“The brand that has been created is a simple reflection of the heritage of the cultural landscape in which we live, but its simplicity is distinctive and eye catching, affording an array of opportunities for local businesses. Without question this unique branding has the potential to add real value to a whole array of products crafted in the Lake District. With that in mind I would encourage all businesses in the area to fully embrace the opportunities that the Lake District’s World Heritage status presents and shout about where we are and who we are at every turn.”
Jane Barker, of Dalefoot Compost, is part of a fifth generation family of farmers in the heart of the Lake District. She added: “The Lake District’s unique farming heritage has helped shape the landscape and plays a key role in the World Heritage story, so it was great to be part of the launch at Westmorland County Show. This free toolkit is a real opportunity for farmers who are looking for new ways to market their products. We plan to use the brand to help reinforce the special World Heritage Site provenance of our products and services and help grow our own business.”
Research has shown that just a one per cent increase in cultural visitors to the region could boost the local economy by about £20m, but it is what local companies, farmers and communities make of it.
Visitors to the Lakes have already shown a keen interest in World Heritage branded items. Andy McGirl, Retail and Commercial Manager for Lake District National Park said: “We have recently introduced a range of World Heritage branded water bottles and sustainable coffee cups in our visitor centres and they have been really well received.
“Customers are keen to take home a piece of the World Heritage story. It’s a unique visitor experience and it’s something that local and overseas visitors have a huge appetite for.”
Companies can download their preferred version of the World Heritage Site brand in a format that suits them and it is available in a range of languages to suit the overseas market as well as more local customers.
Additionally the toolkit includes material that can be used online and on social media channels to ensure that business have everything they need to get started.
More information on how local businesses and communities can take part can be found here http://lakesworldheritage.co.uk/toolkit/
L-R shows: Peter Allen, Deputy Chair for Lake District National Park, Jane Barker of Dalefoot Composts, Stephen Henwood Chair of the LDNPP, Anne Jones from Hawkshead Relish celebrating the English World Heritage brand reveal at the Westmorland County Show.