Lake District looks to the future with ‘driverless’ vehicles

Published on: 23 Apr 2018

Driverless pod that will be demonstrated at Brockhole on Windermere this weekend.

State-of-the-art self-driving vehicles are being considered as a sustainable transport alternative for the Lake District, with a driverless ‘pod’ being brought to Brockhole on Windermere this week to gain public feedback.

The Lake District National Park is the first National Park and UNESCO World Heritage Site to take part in such a feasibility study with Westfield Technology Group. It will explore new technologies which will allow people to access the National Park in an environmentally sustainable way, and automated ‘pods’ are being trialled as a potential solution.

The driverless pods, one of which is being brought to the Lake District on Friday as part of the study, are electric self-driving vehicles, meaning no driver or steering wheel is required. The pods use cutting edge technology, including sensors to detect road conditions and obstacles in the road, to transport people in a safe and environmentally friendly way.

Richard Leafe, Chief Executive at the Lake District National Park said: “We’re constantly looking at new ways to balance the needs and enjoyment of people as they visit and move around the Lake District, whilst being mindful of the impact on the environment.

Driverless pods are a really interesting concept and while this is not necessarily something that will be seen on the Lake District streets soon, it’s vital we explore a range of solutions to sustainable travel. We’re excited to see the pods in action this week and to hear from the public on whether they would use this type of transport in the Lake District.”

On Friday 27 and Saturday 28 April a pod will be being demonstrated on-site at Brockhole on Windermere, giving the public the opportunity to experience the vehicle first-hand. Whilst on-site over the weekend visitors to Brockhole will be asked to share their thoughts on this sustainable transport type and whether they feel it will be effective in the Lake District, as part of the feasibility study.

This is an Innovate UK-funded collaborative feasibility study between Westfield Technology Group and the Lake District National Park.

Julian Turner, Westfield Technology Group Chief Executive said: “We’re really excited to be trialling the pods in the Lake District, which is such a popular tourist destination in the UK. Through this project we’re identifying possible routes for the pod and talking to the local community about how we could meet their transport needs. This collaborative effort will allow us to creative a sustainable and accessible transport mode for journeys in the future.”

“We’re particularly looking forward to hearing feedback from the local residents and visitors at Brockhole, as their input into how services can help meet their needs will be invaluable when planning possible routes for the pod to run in this area”

The outcomes of the feasibility study, which is due to end in June, will inform whether this type of transport would be suitable in the Lake District and which routes would be viable for  vehicle travel.

This weekend people are invited to find out more about the driverless pods, experience one in action in the grounds and share your feedback for the feasibility study, head to Brockhole on Windermere on Friday 27 April between 1pm and 4pm and Saturday 28 April between 10am and 4pm.

Photo shows the driverless pod that will be demonstrated at Brockhole on Windermere this weekend.

driverless pod

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