Tree work application checklist

Please ensure you submit as much information as possible to support your application. The following may be helpful:

Location Plan:

  • No smaller than 1:2500, usually 1:1250.
  • Mark the location of the individual trees, groups or woodlands that are part of your application. This can be drawn on a copy of the Tree Preservation Order map if you have access to one or in the case of conservation areas on the conservation area map if this is to a suitable scale for your proposal.
  • Show the application property in relation to all adjoining properties and the immediate surrounding area, including roads.
  • Show vehicular access to a highway if the site does not adjoin a highway.


These can be helpful in explaining the reasons for the proposal.

Details of proposals:

  • Type of tree: For example the common name for the tree such as oak, beech, birch or ash.
  • Ref. No: This relates to the number on the tree preservation order such as T1, T2 in the case of individual trees. G1, G2 in relation to groups and W1, W2 in relation to woodlands.
  • Detailed description of proposal: This can be as simple as "fell tree" or "crown raise tree to 2.4m", "Crown reduce tree be a maximum of 2 metres", "Crown thin tree by a maximum of 30%" and "remove broken, crossing branches", or "remove deadwood".
  • Reasons for proposal: For example "to prevent damage to a building or fence", "to prevent damage to pedestrians or vehicles" or "to increase light to property".

Replacement Trees

The Authority is likely to request a replacement tree to be planted if you propose to fell a tree. This does not have to be the same species of tree but should be suitable for the location. It is usually required to be as close to the location of the existing tree as possible but does not need to be in the exact same location.