Project partners

Project Partners

"A very valuable experience for members of a community to investigate their historic environment."
- An archaeology volunteer

Romans in Ravenglass was a partnership project between the Lake District National Park Authority, Muncaster Parish Council and the Muncaster Estate. York Archaeological Trust supervised the archaeological investigation. Minerva Heritage Ltd oversaw the outreach and interpretation programme. Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery kindly loaned Roman artefacts for the on-site and in-school sessions. The Portable Antiquities Scheme’s Finds Liaison Officers for the North-West kindly attended some of the open days to provide finds-identification workshops.

The archaeologists and the National Park team have had to deal with a number of problems. Some obvious and some behind the scenes and it has been a joy to work with them all - it’s exceeded our expectations!"
"I managed to carve out a day a couple of days ago and had a whole day in the trench and that was superb because I actually got my hands dirty!"
"Just the magic when you move a stone or bit of earth and find something that you know has not seen the light of day last handled by a Roman for almost 2,000 years ago.  It certainly does send a shiver down your spine!"
"People have travelled far and wide because of the importance of this site and the excitement that it has generated. So for us as the people, I suppose, ultimately responsible for the land it’s been superb and we will be making discoveries for many weeks, months and probably years to come."
- Peter Frost – Pennington, Managing Director of Muncaster Castle
""I can’t say enough about the volunteers - they’ve been really, really brilliant. We are very pleased"
- Brian Kennish; Muncaster Parish Council