6. Lists and registers

This class includes information such as the Register of Members’ Interests.

Web links

Document links

Links to documents are included in the web links above.



Our 20 members represent the public interest, and are appointed by various public bodies :

  • 5 appointed by Cumbria County Council
  • 5 by the District Councils with areas in the National Park which are Allerdale, Copeland, Eden and South Lakeland
  • 10 appointed by the Secretary of State to represent the national interest and Parish Councils in the National Park.

Parish Councillors are selected by the Cumbrian Association of Local Councils, and the names put to the Secretary of State for ratification.

The County Council and District Councils nominate their candidates although they do not represent the council they come from.

Secretary of State appointments are dealt with by Defra. Any vacancies are advertised on this website, and also Defra and Cabinet Office websites. Appointments are initially for four years but can be extended to a maximum of eight years in total.

Each Member has a web page with information about their background, their contact details, their register of interests and information on gifts and hospitality received. Member expenses are listed in the Statement of Accounts.

Executive Board

The senior management team members are listed under the entry for the Executive Board on the website.

Freedom of Information Disclosure Logs

Any requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, are logged with the Legal Services department. The responses to previous requests for information may be viewed by contacting the Legal Services department at the Lake District National Park Headquarters at Murley Moss.